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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "gnu linux"

June 2009

gNewSense Official Website : Free as in freedom | Main / gNewSense 2.2 - deltah | browse

by 4 others (via)
gNewSense is a fully free software GNU/Linux distribution. Free software is software that respects your freedom. You can use it without restrictive licenses, make copies for your friends, school or business. To use free software is to make a political and ethical choice asserting your rights to learn and to share what you learn with others. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community. We are open and anyone is welcome to join.

Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

To look for individual free software packages, both GNU and non-GNU, please see the Free Software Directory: a categorized, searchable database of free software. The Directory is actively maintained by the Free Software Foundation and includes links to program home pages where available. It also includes a list of all GNU packages. Free software documentation links are listed separately.

Documentation - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Documentation of the GNU Project GNU and other free documentation can be obtained by the following methods: * The Free Software Directory includes links to documentation. * Most GNU manuals are online in various formats. * is an aggregation of blogs and news announcements from GNU packages. * changelog.log is an aggregation of ChangeLog entries from GNU and GNOME projects. * FSF online store: Printed books, T-shirts, posters, and more. * Free books from other publishers: Printed books from other publishers using free documentation licenses.

April 2009

Linux New Media – Pacotes

Coleção PDF Ubuntu CD 8.04 LTS Tudo sobre o Ubuntu em 3 livros Sua empresa precisa reduzir custos sem comprometer a qualidade? Os 3 novos pocket books em formato digital (PDF) da Linux Magazine explicam tudo sobre o sistema Linux mais amigável da atualidade: * instalação do Ubuntu, * instalação de pacotes, * como aumentar sua produtividade com o, * catalogar fotos, * ouvir música, * navegar na Internet com eficiência * e muito mais! Comprando agora, você ganha inteiramente grátis um CD do Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, a única versão com atualizações gratuitas garantidas até 2011. Instale em quantas máquinas quiser e use sem qualquer restrição! Tudo isso por apenas R$ 39,90! Você recebe um material de alta qualidade indicado tanto para implantação quanto para capacitação de funcionários ou uso pessoal.

Ubuntu-pt :: homepage

A nova versão do Ubuntu já saiu. Descarregue hoje mesmo gratuitamente. Use e partilhe com os seus amigos e familiares, na escola ou no trabalho, sem pagar nada por isso. Para além de gratuito é lançada uma nova versão a cada seis meses, o que significa que terá sempre as últimas versões dos maiores e melhores aplicativos de código aberto que o mundo tem para oferecer. Novo suporte 3G: O Ubuntu 8.10 foi desenhado para um estilo de vida digital com conectividade permanente. Os melhoramentos no Gestor de Redes do Ubuntu 8.10 tornam simples a detecção e ligação a redes 3G, a gestão de ligações através de uma interface única e a auto-detecção de muitos dos dispositivos mais populares.

March 2009

Xfce - 4.2

Xfce 4.2 Documentation User Guide * Preface * Introduction * Using Xfce4 * Components of Xfce * Installing Xfce4 * Copyright and License Application Manuals * Panel * Window Manager * Session Manager * Desktop Manager * Utilities and Scripts * Printing Management * Settings Manager * Settings Manager Plugins * Filemanager * Application Finder Developer Documentation * libxfce4util * libxfce4mcs * libxfcegui4 * libexo

Xfce - Artwork

Xfce Artwork You can download the Xfce Artwork Tarball here. It contains some high-quality logos and banners.

Xfce - Features

Xfce Features Xfce provides a lightweight desktop environment with a desktop manager drawing a wallpaper and allowing you to have icons on your desktop, a panel with numerous plugins, a standard compliant window manager with a compositing manager, a settings manager to customize your desktop environment, a modern and easy to use file manager and a session manager which allows you to save the current session, autostart applications, shutdown, reboot, suspend or hibernate your computer. Xfce also provides common applications, designed for the best user experience. Among those applications are: a text editor, a sound mixer which supports multiple sound cards, an application finder to launch your applications in an easy way, an image viewer, a modern terminal emulator, an iCal based calendar to manage events and appointments and a CD and DVD burning application. Many additionnal features are also provided by the Goodies project: a Web browser, plugins for the panel and the file manager, standalone applications such as a dictionnary, a tasks manager, a power manager, a screenshooter, a notification daemon..

Xfce - Desktop Environment

About Xfce "Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources." - Olivier Fourdan, creator of Xfce Xfce 4.6 embodies the traditional UNIX philosophy of modularity and re-usability. It consists of a number of components that together provide the full functionality of the desktop environment. They are packaged separately and you can pick and choose from the available packages to create the best personal working environment.

K Desktop Environment - Educational applications and Games

Learn and Discover with the KDE Educational applications Desktop Planetarium, KStars, provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. It can control telescopes and has many tools for the amateur or professional astronomer. This new version now shows millions of stars, can predict conjunctions and has a Sky Calendar. If you start it for the first time, a welcome wizard will show. After choosing your location, you can click the "Download Extra Data..." to select additional star and image data to install. Millions of stars are available in the packages, as well as inline thumbnail images which show images of objects right on the sky. There are several interesting educational applications of this program as well. Pushing "CTRL-F" will bring up the find dialog. Type a name of a heavenly object to find it, like the moon. You might want to turn off "Toggle opaque ground" (most right button on the toolbar) to see the object if it is below the horizon. If you now choose "Equatorial coordinates" by hitting the space bar and set the time per second in the toolbar to 1 hour, watch. The moon moves - but, seen from the equitorial, not in a horizontal line! Why is that? The reason is that the earth spins, but not entirely as you might expect: there is a tilt and a wobble to the spin of the earth, and thus the observer moves up and down... Making science visible to children in such a way is a strong tool in the classroom, and this is a truly educational application. And it is not just for children, so be sure to have a look at this application if you are interested in astronomy!

K Desktop Environment - Extended Development Platform

Educational Applications and Games Overview The KDE development platform contains common UI widgets, but also libraries for interaction with hardware, multimedia, configuration and network transparency, among others. Some changes affect most or all the KDE applications. The most notable of these improvements include: The 'file open' and 'file save' dialogs have been touched up. Using the same infrastructure as Dolphin, they now also include a zoom slider and can show file previews. Sharing such user interface elements ensures a smooth and consistent user experience.

K Desktop Environment - Applications Leap Forward

The file manager, Dolphin, has seen several changes that affect your work flow and make file management more efficient. Folders and tabs can open automatically when you drag a file over them, making it easier to organize your files. You can also navigate with the Breadcrumb bar. And if you want, you can have that Breadcrumb bar always display the full path. To configure this, go to the "Dolphin Preferences" in the Settings menu and put a tick in front of the "Show full path inside location bar". You can enter a custom location in the Breadcrumb bar by clicking on the right of it, and selecting "edit". Revert it to its former state by clicking the yellow icon on the far right. Like with all text input fields in KDE, you can select a line of text and middle click in the field to add the selected text at that position. If you middle-click-paste text onto the "Clear text" icon (left facing black arrow) on the right, the current location will be replaced.

Baixe o Ubuntu | Ubuntu-BR

ubuntu br, br ubuntu,, linux, gnu linux, system, edubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, gnu, brasil ubuntu, ubuntu brasil, brasil, ubuntu, gobuntu, operating system, operating

November 2008

“GNOME Do Plugin Development” branch in Launchpad

GNOME Do Plugin Development Project: GNOME Do Plugins Status: Development Get this branch: bzr branch lp:do-plugins Upload URL: Members of GNOME Do Plugins Team can upload to this branch. Log in for directions. Branch format: Branch format 6 Repository format: Packs containing knits without subtree support

GnomeDo/Plugins - Ubuntu Wiki

by 1 other
Do 0.5.x: As of GNOME Do version 0.5 all plugins listed as "working" or "stable" can and should be installed using the "Plugins" tab in GNOME Do's preference window. You also can manually install plugins by putting the DLL file in ~/.local/share/gnome-do/plugins and restarting GNOME Do.

GnomeDo/Use - Ubuntu Wiki

Start GNOME Do by selecting the GNOME Do entry in the Applications > Accessories menu, or by executing the command gnome-do. Once the application is running, you can summon it by pressing Super Space. On most keyboards the super key is the same as the Windows key or the Command key. If you'd like to use a different keybinding for GNOME Do, see #Configuration. You should see a dialog with a search icon and two panes in the center of your screen. The pane on the left is the item pane, which shows the item you have selected, and the pane on the right is the action pane, which shows the action you wish to perform on the item.

Main Page - GNOME Do Wiki

by 1 other
GNOME Do (Do) is an intelligent launcher tool that makes performing common tasks on your computer simple and efficient. Do not only allows you to search for items in your desktop environment (e.g. applications, contacts, bookmarks, files, music), it also allows you to specify actions to perform on search results (e.g. run, open, email, chat, play)

Tour | Xubuntu

Xubuntu is a full-featured operating system with which you can get started right away - no need to install additional software for most day-to-day tasks. Customizable It's easy to customize Xubuntu to match your personal tastes. It takes but a few clicks to change the theme, amount and location of panels, font, and more. Install panel plugins and more applications for additional functionality using the application installer. Finding new software is a breeze and installation is just a click away. Once applications are installed, updates can be downloaded and installed automatically

October 2008